Smartz Records
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Escape From Smartz II
NO fest 2010

Tagofest 2010

Escape From Smartz! FBob Corn a Turin! Fine Before You Came a Turin!
Drink To Me / Edible Woman - split 7'' party! Drink To Me / Edible Woman - split 7'' party! No fest!
Cheeky and smart, Drink To Me are one of the more interesting bands of the indie scene here in Italy. After a hail of ep's, they debutted with their first full lenght called "Don't panic, go organic!" on Midfinger (Italy/Uk), while the second album will be released by Unhip recs in febrary 2oo9. Synths and drums of "America" will soothe you until a violent but danceable final explosion. Check them.

drinktome America (the end of history)
7" 2oo9 - split w/ Edible Woman
(details & reviews)
not on smartz:
drinktome Don't panic, go organic!
CD 2oo8 - Midfinger
drinktome Try the organic taste of DTM e.p.
CD 2oo7 - Midfinger
drinktome Kralle brau sessions
CD 2oo5 - Stuprobrucio
drinktome The beauty e.p.
CD 2oo4 - Stuprobrucio
drinktome Drunk-on's e.p.
CD 2oo4 - Stuprobrucio
drinktome O_range
CD 2oo3 - Stuprobrucio


26/01/2011 Monopoli (Ba) – Dirockato Festival
27/01/2011 Catona (Rc) – Unpop Club
28/01/2011 Catania – Barbara Disco Lab
29/01/2011 Messina – Retronouveau
30/01/2011 Livorno – Feffo’N'soda
12/02/2011 Faenza – Clandestino
23/02/2011 Oslo (No) – Mono Cafè
24/02/2011 Kristiansand (No) – Charlie’S Bar
25/02/2011 Bergen (No) – Hulen

Live updates here.


Drink to me "Devil and her"

Drink to me "Insane"

Drink to me "Paso Adelante"